(通讯员 李佳音 王嫒)南开大学第三届侯莹奖学金评选于2019年12月初落下帷幕。围绕“外语专长、人文素养、国际视野、中国情怀、南开特色”的人才培养目标,申请奖学金的外院学子们结合语言学习、文化传播、国家发展等内容,在考评现场用英文讲述对“不忘初心Remain True To Our Original Aspiration”的理解。
在对“初心”的诉说中,外语专长的外院学子阐述了自己在语言学习中的激情与理想。英语专业石亚瑀同学在演讲中这样说道,“During the past ten years, my original aspiration did not change and I am exploring the world in different ways by my major.”对语言保持热爱与激情,对未知保持好奇与探索,是石亚瑀笃学不倦的态度。
”I will be more active in learning knowledge of diplomacy in order to become a competent diplomat in the future and make contributions to the diplomacy of our country.”日语专业的朱晚晴同学将个人的语言学习同外语人的使命、国家外交事业发展相结合,是她,也是每一位外院学子在外语专业学习中对“不忘初心”的独特诠释。
外院学子更是用自己的行动阐述自己的“初心”。在校外实践中,抓住有关语言实践的志愿服务机会,在国家级乃至国际级赛事中担任语言服务的志愿角色。翻译专业的张书琪同学在演讲中提到自己在“英超亚洲杯”中担任口译志愿者的经历,她表示:“I truly understand our interpreter’s duty, which is not only building the bridge between two different cultures, but also unite all humans together no matter who they are, and where they come from.”面对不同的文化差异,语言往往是打开沟通之门的密匙。在沟通中保持秉公尽能的服务态度和志愿初心,方能真正将所学融于实践,将语言翻译升华为文化沟通,将语言服务升华为树立中国形象。
对未来的展望和人生价值的实现上,更多的同学真诚流露了为国家发展而奋斗的“初心”西班牙语专业的秦子涵同学在演讲中提到,“No matter what difficulties we face, we should keep in mind our original aspiration and make efforts to realize The Chinese Dream.”
更有多名外院学子在演讲中提到了习近平总书记在十九大上的讲话。英语专业的房晓萌同学以一名学生党员身份这样讲述,“By reading the Chinese and English version of the report delivered by president Xi at the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, I learned that for Chinese Communists, the original aspiration and the mission is to seek happiness for the Chinese people and rejuvenation for the Chinese nation.As a communist member of China, this is also my original aspiration and the mission. ” 共产党人的初心和使命就是“为中国人民谋幸福,为中华民族谋复兴”,自己的初心就是同许许多多的党员同志一道实现中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦。